Reign's series finale reminds us that just because tragic things happen to you, your life isn't necessarily a tragedy.
Reign: All it cost her

Reign's series finale reminds us that just because tragic things happen to you, your life isn't necessarily a tragedy.
Reign's mandate was to dramatize what happened between the lines of historical record, and in so doing, presented something entirely truthful.
Mary finds contentment and security in motherhood -- just as the walls begin to crumble around her.
In which Mary Stuart proves herself as the Wonder Woman of the 16th century.
Mary finally gets the upper hand, only to lose it -- and one of her dearest friends -- in the most vicious way imaginable.
Mary and Elizabeth's diametrically opposing philosophies are front and centre this week, as both choose forgiveness for very different reasons.
Mary is trapped in marriage to a man who is both her saviour and her destroyer; the more she tries to pull away, the more dangerous her life becomes.
The fastest paced show on TV takes a breather, that somehow also includes about 75 plot twists and kind of breaks our heart.
Bastardy is the word of the day, as the repercussions of being born out of wedlock affect basically everyone's decision-making. Plus: saddest wedding ever.
Mary and Elizabeth each meet a handsome man with a ponytail, both of whom becomes key to their future plans.
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